We Buy Houses in San Diego

Acropolis Developments Partners With Hoover High School to Promote Career Growth and Financial Literacy


At Acropolis Developments, we recognize that our work is meaningless and impossible without the San Diego community. Donating our time, knowledge, and resources to the community is an honor and privilege to our entire team. Let us know if you would like to partner with our team for future community and philanthropic events!

Workshop with Hoover High School

After a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Acropolis Developments re-launched its community workshop series with the SABE students of Hoover High School. Acropolis founders, Alladdine Gueddar, Faruq Darcuiel, and Jamel Daniels accompanied a group of speakers offering various insights to the students in attendance. 


“The main goal of events like this is to help young adults understand all the ways they can forge a successful career in real estate regardless of their skills, interests, education and background” Says Darcuiel. 


“We also wanted to help them understand how real estate and our work as developers goes hand in hand with passion for family and community”.

Workshop Topics

This workshop covers general themes of career growth, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship. On top of that, speakers also covered topics around affordable housing, zoning laws, sustainability, Project management, and more. 

About SABE and Hoover High School

SABE stands for “Sustainable Academy of Building and Engineering”. Students who enroll in the academy can take classes in general contracting, construction, architecture and engineering. As many as 200 students can enroll in the academy and receive high school and community college credit. Karen Aguilar, director of the academy, said students will have access to mentorship, job shadowing and field trips to job sites. The goal is to provide students something they can connect to their classroom learning. 

“It is always more interesting to learn about a field when you can see real examples of it,” Aguilar said. “It makes it so much more engaging than if it is just out of the book.”



About Acropolis Developments

We founded Acropolis as three college athletes from San Diego State. Over the past 13 years, we continue to pursue one critical mission: Do our best to make real estate work better for everyone. Our work gives homeowners another option for selling their homes which drives up the average return they make on their homes. At the other end, our passion for design continues to drive further value to the San Diego real estate market and communities alike.



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